Stimulants: Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy

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Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy, are widely used drugs that stimulate your brain, but also have so many side affects that people who use this drug need to understand. This presentation will teach you what happens to your mind and body when using these drugs, how they impact your life and relationships, and very much negatively alter your health and welfare. There are no harmless drugs, and this class of drugs are some of the most harmful. You will also learn how to get yourself off of these drugs and how to get help if you need it, to get off of these drugs. You can lead a productive and healthy life, but not if you are using, abusing, or addicted to Stimulants.
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Lesson Specs


  1. Purchase your assigned Course or redeem an Access Code
  2. View the Lesson Videos from beginning to end
  3. Take the required Test
  4. View your Results and print your Certificate

Lesson Chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. What Are The Stimulants
  3. How Do They Affect a Person
  4. What Can a Person Do to Change
  5. What Can Help a Person Change
  6. What Happens if They Do Not Decide to Change
  7. Summary

Lead Instructors

Chris L. Adelman, MD

Medical Director, Rosary Hall St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, OH
A 1979 graduate of the University of Oklahoma Medical School, Dr.Adelman’s interest in addiction medicine dates back to his first assignment as an emergency room physician in Montana, where he quickly became the first medical director of the hospital’s addiction treatment program.


Dr. Russell Goodwin

Addiction and Substance Abuse Expert
Russell J. Goodwin is a highly experienced professional with a unique set of skills as a therapist and trainer. Mr. Goodwin works extensively with both individuals and corporations at IMPACT Solutions as coordinator for these services.

On the private practice side, Mr. Goodwin counsels adolescents, young adults, and adults who are dealing with chemical dependency and other addictions, co-dependency, adolescent disorders, family parenting and relationship issues, adjustment disorders, abuse, anxiety, depression, and anger/behavioral management issues. Mr. Goodwin also does marital/couples/family therapy and conducts chemical dependency assessments and interventions.


Theodore Parran, MD

Medical Professional with Addiction and Substance Abuse Specialty
Wang Professor of Medical Education, CWRU School of Medicine Associate Medical Director, Rosary Hall, St. Vincent Charity Hospital.


Other Lessons in This Course

Part 1: Substance Abuse

This introductory lesson allows you to understand what happens to people when they have chosen to abuse substances including drugs and alcohol.

Part 2: Addictive Disease

What starts out as abuse, something that can be controlled, can lead to addiction, something that cannot be controlled and sprials into deep problems that almost always never ends well.

Alcohol: Beer, Wine, Mixed Drinks

If products like alcohol, beer, wine and have caused you to become an abuser or addicted, this lesson is the follow up to the Introduction.

Stimulants: Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy

Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy, are widely used drugs that stimulate your brain, but also have so many side affects that people who use this drug need to understand.

Opiates: Heroin, Opiates, and Opiods

Heroin, and its similar drugs are quite honestly killing people all over the nation. It is being termed "The Heroin Epidimic" as this drug spreads from city to suburb to rural America, and leaving dead bodies in its wake.

Marijuana: Cannabinoids

If Marijuana or other cannibus based drugs got you here, this lesson is for you.

Prescription Drugs: Over the Counter and Prescribed Drugs

Just like they sound, prescription drugs do wonders for people that they are prescribed to help, but when used outside of a Doctor's orders, do harm to your mind and body, even though they are legal.